Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Medical Debt Collection And State Collection Services

Hi i am Nicholas Wheelock and i am a professional blogger and i have been blogging for a little over nine years now. Have any of you received state collections of medical bills and are harassed to the point of death when you have medical insurance that covers all your medical needs? Then you know where i am coming from. Received state collection debts in the mail. Marked poorly of your credit score for debts your insurance is supposed to pay for and didn't. Are you tripped up when walking down the street. Terrorised and told you owe money and that's why your being health neglected. Destinations in health due to debts your not supposed to be responsible for. Pinned to a corner cause of discrimination cause your low income and cannot afford life insurance. Picked on cause you can do little to pay debts that are already supposed to be paid. Does others talk about badly your family. About the way you dress. About how you smell. Label you with a bad name. These days normal people can drive bankruptcy owing millions to the IRS and pay only a percentage to be out of debt. Those with disabilities on a fixed income receiving less equality than other Americans. How To Fight Back!

1.Get Legal Shield- Have the lawyer deal with collections agency.

2. Check credit score- dispute bad marks on your credit score.

3. Report the agency - report the agency to the proper authorities.

4 call the agency - assure the agency that debts were to be covered by your insurance.

5. Work out a deal- find a resolution to the debt.